Teaching Assistants

CUPE 3902 Unit 1 Teaching Assistant: Current Postings

2024 - 2025 Fall/Winter Term - Emergency

General Information



Inter-Campus Travel Reimbursement


2 options for reimbursement (note: TAs must choose only one method of reimbursement).
  1. Collect TA shuttle tickets from Sabrin Mohamed, Assistant to the Chair (edassist.utm@utoronto.ca; MN 5284), or Megan Janssen, Undergraduate Advisor (edadvisor.utm@utoronto.ca; MN 5250). TAs can collect 10 (ten) tickets at a time. They sign for each set they pick up.
           Julia Sturge, Program Assistant (eng.assist@utoronto.ca; JHB 602), provides TAs with their first two shuttle tickets to UTM.
           Here is the form for option 1: PDF iconTTC Token/UTM Shuttle Reimbursement Form
  1. TAs can get reimbursed at the end of the term for the equivalent value of the shuttle ticket (2ways/day=$14). TAs who choose to pay for their shuttle tickets themselves, or who decide to drive, or who take public transportation can keep a record of their travel to campus and have it signed by their supervisor at the end of the term. TAs return the signed forms to Sabrin Mohamed.


TAs who take the TTC to UTSC each week are reimbursed at the end of term, when they complete the attached forms Ann-Marie Scott, Business Officer (annmarie.scott@utoronto.ca, HW 331). 
Here are the forms to be filled out: