Sandra Dinter

Sandra Dinter

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Post-doctoral fellow (St. George)
Biography : 

Sandra Dinter is an Assistant Professor of British Literature and Culture at the University of Hamburg in Germany. During the 2022–2023 academic year she is a Feodor Lynen Research Fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation in the English Department at the University of Toronto where she will conduct research for her book project on female walkers in nineteenth-century British literature and culture. Her research interests include Romantic and Victorian literature, neo-Victorianism, representations of mobility and space, the medical humanities, and adaptation studies. Sandra Dinter is the author of Childhood in the Contemporary English Novel (Routledge, 2020) and co-editor of the forthcoming volume Medicine and Mobility in Nineteenth-Century British Literature, History, and Culture (Palgrave Macmillan, 2023). Her articles have appeared in English Studies, Anglia, Children’s Literature Association Quarterly, and Neo-Victorian Studies.

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Meta Description: 
Sandra Dinter Post-doctoral fellow (St. George)