Albert Moritz

Senior Lecturer; Undergraduate Instructor; Poet Laureate of Toronto
Northrop Frye Hall, Room 206, 73 Queen's Park Crescent East, Toronto, ON M5S 1K7



A. F. Moritz has published more than fifteen books of poetry. His work has earned honours including the Guggenheim Fellowship, the Award in Literature of the American Academy and Institute of Arts and Letters, the Ingram Merrill Fellowship, and selection to the Princeton Series of Contemporary Poets. He has translated seven books of poetry and a novel from Spanish and French, and in collaboration with Theresa Moritz has written biographies of Emma Goldman and Stephen Leacock, and The Oxford Literary Guide to Canada. He holds a doctorate in eighteenth-and nineteenth-century British poetry. His most recent book of poems, The Sentinel (2008), won the 2009 Griffin Prize for poetry.