Malcolm Woodland

Associate Professor; Retired Faculty; Graduate Faculty


Fields of Study

Areas of Interest

  • Twentieth Century Poetry, Contemporary Poetry (especially American).

Office Hours

By Appointment.



Wallace Stevens and the Apocalyptic Mode. Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, 2005.


“Memory’s Homeland: Agha Shahid Ali and the Hybrid Ghazal.” English Studies in Canada 31.2-3

“Wordsworth Stranded: The Prelude and Mark Strand’s ‘The Untelling.’” Twentieth Century Literature 52.4

“Refraining from Desire: Trish Salah’s ‘Ghazals in Fugue.’” Canadian Poetry 57

“‘Amen to the Feelings’: Wallace Stevens and the Politics of Emotion.” Wallace Stevens Journal 29.1

“‘Pursuit of Unsayables’: Repetition in Strand’s ‘Two de Chiricos’ and Kristeva’s Black Sun.” Mosaic 37.3

“Wallace Stevens’ ‘Puella Parvula’ and the Haunt of Prophecy.” Wallace Stevens Journal 23.2

Current Research

The Sublime in contemporary American poetry, esp. Ashbery, Ammons, Koethe, Merrill, Strand, Graham, Wright.


BA, Victoria University
MA, University of Toronto
PhD, University of Toronto