Leslie Wexler

PhD Candidate


Areas of Interest

  • Early Modern
  • First Contact
  • Indigenous Knowledges


am a Senior Educational Developer, Indigenous Knowledges and Anti-Racist Pedagogies at the University of Waterloo and a doctoral candidate in the field of Early Modern at the University of Toronto.
My scholarly contributions are interdisciplinary combining both English Literature, a collaborative degree in the School for the Environment and my personal commitment to Indigenization within higher education. I combine my education, organizational development work, and teaching to focus on progressive pedagogy and curriculum development that addresses Indigenous knowledges. I identify in both my professional and personal life with the Treaty 6 Métis Nation in Alberta and Treaty 13 Métis Nation of Ontario.

The energy for all my work is rooted in relationships with people, place, traditional teachings, and meeting faculty and staff wherever they are by tapping into their curiosity and own personal commitments to Indigenous peoples in Canada.