Marie Chatlain

PhD Candidate


Areas of Interest

  • Disability Studies
  • 19th Century Literature
  • Book History


I am a first-year PhD student with a collaborative specialization in Book History and Print Culture. My research considers the intersection between genre and disability in utopian and dystopian literature from the long nineteenth century. I am interested in how disability is used to construct genre, especially given its frequent exclusion from utopian visions of the future. 

List of Publications

Conference Papers
"'Over the mountains I come': Disability and the Utopian Journey in H.G. Wells's 'The Country of the Blind.'" Dalhousie Association of Graduate Students in English Conference, Destinations and Departures. 12 August 2022. 

"The Practice of Living: Reading Radical Resurgence and Relationality in Stephen Graham Jones's Ledfeather." Western Literature Association Conference, Palimpsests and Western Literatures: The Layered Spaces of History, Imagination, and the Future, Santa Fe, New Mexico. 22 October 2022.