Contemporary Poetry
Tuesday 3 pm - 4 pm
Thursday 2 pm - 4 pm
M. Xie
Office location
JHB 908
Brief Description of Course
This course introduces the work of contemporary poets such as Bishop, O’Hara, Creeley, Plath, Hughes, Larkin, Heaney, Ashbery, Walcott, Hejinian, and Duffy, in a variety of poetic styles and movements. It aims to provide an in-depth engagement with some of their representative works and a critical understanding of their poetic, intellectual, and cultural perspectives. This course also helps students develop skills in close reading and build confidence in critical interpretation and evaluation.
Required Reading(s)
All readings will be posted on Quercus class website.
First Three Authors/Texts
Method of Evaluation
- Participation, 15%
- Essay 1, 25%
- Essay 2, 35%
- Final test, 25%