ENG379H1F - L5101

Special Topics: Victorian Realist Novel


Monday 6 pm - 9 pm


A. Jaffe

E-mail: a.jaffe@utoronto.ca

Brief Description of Course

The Victorian period was dominated by the genre known as realist fiction; readers, writers, and critical theorists too have long been intensely interested in the novel’s claim to the real. We will read some of the period’s most influential and enjoyable texts and authors, supplemented by critical and theoretical work on the relation between realism and the novel form.

Required Reading(s)

Dickens, Hard Times; Eliot, Adam Bede; Gaskell, Mary Barton; Trollope, An Autobiography; Gissing, New Grub Street.

First Three Authors/Texts

Dickens, Eliot, Gaskell.

Method of Evaluation

  • Two essays
  • Term test
  • Class participation and collaborative group work