ENG311H1F - L5101

Medieval Literature


Tuesday 6 pm - 9 pm


A. Walton

E-mail: audrey.walton@utoronto.ca

Brief Description of Course

In this course, we will explore a wide variety of medieval genres, including lyrics, riddles, histories, epics, romances, plays, letters, and comic poems. Although we will focus primarily on the literature of medieval England, we will read this literature in light of England’s relationships—both real and imagined—to other nations and parts of the world.

Required Reading(s)

A full list will be provided on the first day of classes. I may also post readings on Blackboard or provide a course packet.

Web Site Address (if applicable)


First Three Authors/Texts

Bede, Ecclesiastical History (selections);Gregory, Dialogues;Anonymous (Williamson, ed.), Riddles of the Exeter Book (selections)

Method of Instruction

Lecture, discussion

Method of Evaluation

  • Critical essays
  • Class presentation
  • Discussion participation (no exams)