ENG285H1F - L0101

The English Language in the World


Monday 11 am - 1 pm, Wednesday 11 am - 12 pm

Instructor Information

C. Percy

E-mail: carol.percy@utoronto.ca

Course Description

Currently, many-voiced Englishes dominate science, business, diplomacy, and popular cultures worldwide. This introductory course surveys transnational, regional, and social varieties of Later Modern English; the linguistic and social factors that have shaped them; their characteristic structures; and their uses in speech and in writing, both literary and non-literary.

Required Readings

Textbooks will be ordered for you through the University of Toronto Bookstore

  • Victor J. Ramraj (ed.), Concert of Voices: An Anthology of World Writing in English, 2nd ed. (broadview, 2009).
  • To be confirmed - watch this space

E-readings will be made available through the course Quercus page.

First Three Authors/Texts

  • From Concert of Voices
  • Kamala Das, “An Introduction”
  • E. Pauline Johnson/Tekahionwake “The Cattle Thief”
  • Lee Maracle, “Charlie”

Methods of Evaluation

To reinforce your engagement and comprehension in course material generally: repeatable e-xercises and weekly CR/NCR writing tasks (10%), along with other individual and group activities, including a presentation of your research in progress and assigned feedback on peers’ draft work (10%); midterm test on literary and linguistic material (30%); preliminary research report (15%); final research paper (25%); 500-word take-home test (10%).