Credit/Non-Credit Courses

ENG9400HF L0101


Essential Skills Workshop Series

Hernandez, A.

Course Description:

The Essential Skills Workshop Series (ESWS) introduces the incoming cohort of doctoral students to the essential skills they will need in order to succeed in the PhD Program in English and beyond. ESWS meets eight times each fall, approximately once a week for one hour and twenty minutes from mid-Sept through mid-Nov. Most meetings will feature a guest or guests, who, along with the faculty coordinator, will lead an open discussion for students embarking on the doctoral degree at U of T, moving into new pedagogic responsibilities, and entering wider professional and scholarly networks. Occasionally, there will be short, pre-circulated readings. Some sessions may provide students with tangible feedback on work (such as SSHRC proposals) they are already doing as part of their professionalization during the first year of the program.

*Although the series is mandatory for all PhD1 / PhD U2 students, who must enroll through ACORN, weekly meetings are open to all interested graduate students (MA or PhD), who do not need to enroll in order to attend any given session or sessions.

Course Method of Evaluation and Course Requirements:

ENG9400H The Essential Skills Workshop Series will include the following workshops over 8 weeks in the Fall Term:
1. Introduction: Pathways through the PhD Program in English
2. Grant Writing for the Graduate Student
3. Libraries at U of T: Rare Books, Primary Source Research Skills, and Digital Resources
4. Writing the Seminar Paper
5. The Research Project: From Coursework to Dissertation
6. Pedagogy for the Graduate Student Teacher
7. Navigating the Conference Paper
8. The Journal Article: Writing, Revising, and Publishing your Work

These eight topics have emerged from consultation with faculty and PhD students. The rationale for these eight topics is that each represents an essential skill that all PhD students must begin to master in the first year of the program. 

Credit will be received for attendance and for receiving and providing tangible feedback on a draft SSHRC proposal.

Term: F-TERM (September 2024 to December 2024) Modular course taught over 8 weeks, exact dates TBD.
Date/Time: Thursday / 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm (Class actually ends at 6:20pm or 18:20, but it says 6:30 or 18:30 in ROSI/ACORN because of limitations of the program) 
Location: JHB 616 (170 St. George Street, Jackman Humanities Building)

Delivery: In-Person

ENG9900HF    L0101   


Teaching Literature

Robins, W.    

*** NOTE: This course is required of and limited to PhD students in either Year 2 or 3 and PhD U students in either Year 3 or 4. PhD students starting Year 3 and PhD U students starting Year 4 in 2024-25 must take ENG9900H in 2024-25.

Course Description

This seminar, required of and limited to PhD students in either Year 2 or 3 and PhD U students in either Year 3 or 4, addresses the teaching of English literature at the university level. It is designed to provide the foundations for an informed, self-reflexive pedagogy and to help students develop effective methods for teaching English to undergraduate and graduate students. Guest faculty will discuss a range of pedagogical challenges and solutions. (Credit/Non-credit)

Course Reading List


Course Method of Evaluation and Course Requirements

  • pass/fail, discussion and presentations.

Term: F-TERM (September 2024 to December 2024)
Date/Time: Friday / 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm
Location: JHB 718 (170 St. George Street, Jackman Humanities Building)

Delivery: In-Person